External Applications in Anthroposophic Nursing

Rhythmical Embrocation of the Organs – Medical Indications and Effects


Guiding principle
The spleen generates the strongest purification forces to counter pathogens and allergens in the circulating blood. At the same time it eliminates old blood cells and thereby continuously renews the blood.
Healthy spleen functioning can compensate for the detrimental effects of irregular eating habits and poorly tolerated foods. According to Rudolf Steiner a healthy spleen can awaken an instinct for the indigestibility of certain foodstuffs or alcoholic beverages, etc.

A rhythmical embrocation of the spleen can enhance the patient's sense of healthy eating patterns that allow for intervals in which the food can be completely digested.

Medical indications


Guiding principle
A healthy liver does not have a well-defined form. Anabolic processes dominate the liver's activity at night, during which the liver grows by ca. 20%.
During the day the liver excretes bile, which is stored in the gall bladder and can be concentrated, while the liver simultaneously shrinks in size. Five different fluids flow through this organ (portal-vein blood, arterial and venous blood, lymph and bile). Bile aids the liver in the absorption of fats as an important source of energy, and the liver simultaneously eliminates numerous toxins.
Rhythmical embrocation in the evenings support the liver's anabolic activity. Applications in the morning tend more to addressing the liver's excretion of bile.

Medical indications


Guiding principle
The renal and adrenal glands form a common system. An elementary function of the kidneys is to detoxify the organism by excreting salts and nitrogen-containing substances from protein degradation via urine.
Urine excretion increases when there is excitement and excessive alertness, e.g., stress. Thus it is already apparent that secretion by the kidneys is closely related to what happens in the soul. The intervention of the soul in the renal adrenal system becomes clearer when one considers which substances this system secrets inwards into the blood.
The best known are the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol, which enable morning awakening. Arterial blood pressure is regulated by this system. A psychologically distressing event can affect the kidneys (the blood pressure rises, urinary excretion is affected).
The kidneys play an important role in the regulation of breathing and they are sensitive to undercooling.
The soul is intensively connected with body via the renal adrenal system. Rhythmical embrocation of these organs warms them through. The regulatory effect of rhythmical embrocation depends on the stress level of the patient. A treatment may have a stimulating effect if the intervention of the soul is too weak, with low blood pressure, a tendency to faint, and weakness. A treatment can bring about soothing relaxation in cases of elevated tonus, e.g., tense back muscles, with a tendency to rising blood pressure.

Exercise CAUTION in cases of inflammatory renal disease.

Medical indications


Guiding principle
The bladder has a close relationship with the soul. Undercooling, injury, surgery, and neurological disorders can significantly weaken the bladder. Weakness of the bladder often occurs in old age.
Rhythmical embrocation of the bladder can vitalize the organ in all these cases.

Medical indications


Guiding principle
A person's life and feelings are directly connected with the movement of the heart. The right heart as a hollow muscle receives the blood from the inferior and superior caval veins, while the blood flows into the left heart from the pulmonary veins. The heart mediates continuously between the inflowing venous and outflowing arterial blood. In doing so the heartbeat adapts continuously to the needs of the organism. The whole organism is felt in the heart, almost unconsciously. Our feelings are directly reflected in the heartbeat. The heart is the organ with the greatest development of heat in the organism.
Rhythmical embrocation of the heart imitate the blood's process of flowing in, centering, and flowing out. They have a soothing effect on the patient's emotional state.

Medical indications