Whole-Body Wash with Solum Emulsion
Kind of substance
Solum emulsion, homemade
Guiding principle for the application
Solum oil added to washing water as an emulsion forms a protective, warming and invigorating coat around the skin. It tans the epidermis and provides protection for external stimuli such as radiation.
Guiding Principle for the substance
- Radiation damage (see example case)
- Stage 1 bedsore
- Bedsore prophylaxis
- Dying process
- Not for open wounds and not in case of allergies
- Washes can be invigorating or soothing. See “Anthroposophische Pflegepraxis” (Rolf Heine, p. 251 ff)
- 1 tablespoon Solum oil (WALA)
- 2 tablespoons milk
- Water (warmer than body temperature)
- A basin
- Duvetyn cloth
- Hand towel
- Washing glove
- Mix the Solum oil with the milk and add it to the washing water.
- The whole-body wash follows intimate care. The patient lies undressed on the duvetyn cloth under the bedsheet and is only clothed in the intimate area. He is only partially uncovered for washing, dried and immediately covered again. The washing glove is only damp enough so that no water drips down uncontrollably. The patient should never feel pressured.
- Sequence of the partial washings: face, right arm, left arm, upper body in front, also; back: the patient turns to the side or straightens up. The washing of the legs is done in the same way as the washing of the arms. Do the feet last. Any reddened or irradiated regions are gently dabbed.
- 30 minutes of post-treatment rest
Hang the towels to dry or put them in the laundry
Instructions to download
- Instructions Whole-Body Wash with Solum Emulsion
Dateigröße: 536 KB
Case example
A hospitalized 60-year-old patient suffers from 1st degree skin damage after the first irradiation. The irradiated region shows redness, heat and swelling.
In order to offer the skin a protective cover, a whole-body wash with Solum emulsion is administered.
After the further irradiations, no redness, burns or feeling of tension occurred anymore. The skin’s appearance remained unchanged.
“I felt enveloped and could not be attacked or hurt”, the patient said.
- Heine R. (ed.). Anthroposophische Pflegepraxis. Grundlagen und Anregungen für alltägliches Handeln. 4th, corrected and expanded ed. Berlin: Salumed; 2017.