External Applications in Anthroposophic Nursing

Oxalis Solar Plexus Compress

Kind of substance

Oxalis ointment

Guiding principle for the application

Oxalis (wood sorrel) has a strong vegetative power that can reintegrate dying processes back into life, and at the same time the plant has a striking sensitivity in its leaves. When applied via the skin, Oxalis can help to release destructive soul influences that have penetrated the body too deeply. As an external application, wood sorrel is particularly helpful when there is excessive sensitivity and a tendency to disturbances and cramping in the digestive process (e.g., after a fright, shock or ingesting opiate-based painkillers). 

Oxalis as a remedy enables the soul and spirit to work more strongly in the human organism in the sense of “energizing the etheric system in the digestive tract”, which is active in breaking down, absorbing and transforming food substances (Steiner, Physiology and Healing, lecture of January 1, 1924).

In cases of mental shock, the entire abdominal cavity can become cramped, congested or even paralyzed. We can reach the entire area of the abdominal organs via the solar plexus “the brain of the abdominal cavity”). By strengthening the etheric system with Oxalis, we enable the etheric to get relief from the tension caused by the excessive influence of the soul. At the same time, we enable the soul to form a healthy connection with its bodily functions thanks to the enlivening of the body’s digestive processes.

Guiding Principle for the substance


  • Anxiety
  • Hyperemesis gravidarum
  • Sleep disorders
  • Sleep disorders of the war generation
  • Shock
  • Trauma
  • Traumata, war-related
  • Trauma-related disorders in elderly people


Experience indicates that Oxalis 10% WA ointment from Klinik Arlesheim, Switzerland, is more suitable for these indications than an ointment based on alcoholic extracts.


  • Substance cloth, ca. 12 x 12 cm
  • Oxalis 10% ointment
  • Wooden spatula or knife
  • Hot-water bottle
  • Woolen cloth to cover the substance cloth

  • Apply a thin layer of ointment to the substance cloth, creating a shiny surface.
  • Lightly warm the ointment cloth on a hot water bottle
  • The patient lies down in bed
  • Lay the substance cloth on the patient’s solar plexus and cover with the woolen cloth
  • Duration: 30 minutes

The inner cloth can be stored in a plastic bag for repeated applications, apply a little more ointment for each treatment.

Has worked well for many patients, e.g., in psychosomatics and psychiatry, as well as for children and in geriatric care.
1 x daily
Onset of effect
Length of therapy
Until there is an improvement

Instructions to download

Case example

An approx. 60-year-old female patient with moderate depression and post-traumatic stress disorder received rhythmical embrocation of her shoulders and arms with hypericum once a week, followed by a solar plexus compress with oxalis. She was suffering from a feeling of cold all over her body, although she was well warm in her abdominal area. She quickly loses warmth in the periphery. She is mentally and physically very tense, has repeated shoulder and neck pain.
During the treatment she sometimes falls asleep. She warms up well and feels relaxed after the treatment. Every evening before going to sleep, she applies an Oxalis compress herself. She reports that she gets warm from it and can relax.




  • Steiner R. Mysteriengestaltungen. GA 232. 5th, augmented ed. Dornach: Rudolf Steiner Verlag; 1998, lecture of December 22, 1923. English translation: Steiner R. Mystery knowledge and mystery centres. London: Rudolf Steiner Press; 2013.
  • Steiner R. Physiologisch-Therapeutisches auf Grundlage der Geisteswissenschaft. Zur Therapie und Hygiene. GA 314. 4th ed. Dornach: Rudolf Steiner Verlag; 2010, lecture of January 1, 1924. English translation: Steiner R. Physiology and healing. Treatment, therapy and hygiene – spiritual science and medicine. London: Rudolf Steiner Press; 2013.
  • Schramm HM. Heilmittel-Fibel zur anthroposophischen Medizin. Steinbergkirche: Novalis Verlag; 1983, p. 206.