Do you like what we offer? Then support our work with a donation!
We deliberately created the Vademecum of External Applications as a freely accessible offer, but at the same time we wanted to remain independent of, for example, drug manufacturers.
The Vademecum editorial team has been working on a voluntary basis from the very beginning. Only our travel and food expenses for our working meetings have been reimbursed. Additional regular costs arise from maintaining the homepage and so far also for translations from German into four other languages, because we are part of an international nursing movement. In addition, this Vademecum has special significance for countries where there is hardly any literature on external applications, or where there is no access to anthroposophic medicines.
In addition, there are costs for specific larger projects, such as our instructional videos in 2020 and our adaptation of our homepage for mobile devices in 2019.
Over many years now we have been supported by various foundations, for which we are very grateful! In the meantime, the Vademecum has outgrown the project stage (we have been online since 2015!), so that we are no longer necessarily a potential group for some foundations to consider. Nevertheless, we want to continue to enable everyone to use our site free of charge. One component of our funding has therefore now become donations from individuals.
Unfortunately, as of 2021, we can only offer translations if they are organized or financed by the respective countries, or if they are supported by earmarked donations.