External Applications in Anthroposophic Nursing

Rhythmical Kidney Embrocation According to Wegman/Hauschka with Copper

Kind of substance

Cuprum metallicum praeparatum 0.4% ointment

Guiding principle for the application

Copper stimulates kidney function by intensifying local warmth, conveyed through the movements of rhythmical embrocation. Supported by the rhythmical embrocation, the kidney spreads the warming and relaxing effect of the copper to the lungs and the neurosensory system.

Guiding Principle for the substance


  • Cold kidney area
  • Deficient elimination (see example case)
  • Exhaustion (see example case)
  • Harmonisation of emotional dysbalance
  • Kidney pressure (see example case)
  • Stabilisation in cases of emotional dysbalance


Rhythmical Einreibung according to Wegman/Hauschka can only be learned by attending a seminar. For more information see  Rhythmical Einreibung

Case example

After an untreated angina, the hand and knee joints of a 40-year-old female patient swelled up painfully, so that she was no longer able to climb stairs in the mornings. She developed increasing depression, after months of dealing with the complaints, which did not improve. She came for six rhythmical whole-body embrocations with solum oil, which did not help much. When the problem became increasingly severe and she retained water throughout her body, also feeling strong pressure on her kidneys and having to urinate up to seven times a night, she came again for treatment two years later. The young woman's body always felt moist, varying between warm and cold, her whole body was swollen. This time she received a rhythmical kidney embrocation with cuprum met. praep. 0.4% ointment, in addition to the whole-body application. This treatment quickly had an effect, the kidney pressure went away after the third one and she lost several kilos. The patient was able to urinate during the day again, so that she could then sleep through the night. Once the symptoms were eliminated, she continued to come for weekly treatments for an entire year.
Despite mild rheumatic complaints, which continued, the kidney problems did not return. Her medications remained unchanged throughout this period.


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