Guiding principle
Fresh white cabbage is cut into fine strips, without the stalk, and placed in a pot. Crushing is used to shatter the plant cells, the cell juices escape and must finally cover the cabbage completely. During fermentation, added salt removes the liquid from the cabbage and preserves the juice until fermentation is sufficiently advanced. The lactic acid bacteria present in the air and adhering to the white cabbage initiate the fermentation process.
The most important substance in sauerkraut is lactic acid, other ingredients are vitamins A, B, C and minerals, sugar, starch, cellulose, bitter substances, organic acids, histamine and sulfur.
Thüler M. Wohltuende Wickel. 9th ed. 2003, p. 98.
Pahlow M. Das grosse Buch der Heilpflanzen. Weltbild 2006, p. 192.
Reinhard J. Sanfte Heilpraxis. 3rd ed. AT Verlag 2019, p. 37. (Sauerkraut)
Indications and application
- Compress: bladder, moist-hot (Sauerkraut)
- Compress: pelvic floor bladder, moist-hot (Raw sauerkraut, lactic acid, fermented)
Cystitis, recurrent
- Compress: bladder, moist-hot (Sauerkraut)
- Compress: pelvic floor bladder, moist-hot (Raw sauerkraut, lactic acid, fermented)
Depression, reactive
- Compress: bladder, moist-hot (Sauerkraut)
- Compress: pelvic floor bladder, moist-hot (Raw sauerkraut, lactic acid, fermented)
- Compress: bladder, moist-hot (Sauerkraut)
- Compress: pelvic floor bladder, moist-hot (Raw sauerkraut, lactic acid, fermented)
- Compress: bladder, moist-hot (Sauerkraut)
- Compress: pelvic floor bladder, moist-hot (Raw sauerkraut, lactic acid, fermented)
Irritable bladder
Irritated bladder
Menstrual problems
Post-traumatic stress disorder
- Compress: bladder, moist-hot (Sauerkraut)
- Compress: pelvic floor bladder, moist-hot (Raw sauerkraut, lactic acid, fermented)
Postmenopausal complaints in the genital area
Postpartum depression
- Compress: bladder, moist-hot (Sauerkraut)
- Compress: pelvic floor bladder, moist-hot (Raw sauerkraut, lactic acid, fermented)
Residual urine
Traumatization in the genital area
- Compress: bladder, moist-hot (Sauerkraut)
- Compress: pelvic floor bladder, moist-hot (Raw sauerkraut, lactic acid, fermented)