Arnica Essence
Mountain Tobacco, Leopard's Bane
Weleda UK distributes Arnica Essence as Arnica Bumps and Bruises Spray
Weleda UK distributes Arnica Essence as Arnica Bumps and Bruises Spray
Arnica Essence (Weleda) 10g contains: Arnica, Planta tota 6g
Arnica Bumps and Bruises Spray: 1g of spray contains: 0.1g of tincture from Arnica (equivalent to 0.05g Arnica Montana L. fresh whole plant). Extraction solvent: Ethanol 61% v/v. Also contains Ethanol and Water.
Arnica Bumps and Bruises Spray: 1g of spray contains: 0.1g of tincture from Arnica (equivalent to 0.05g Arnica Montana L. fresh whole plant). Extraction solvent: Ethanol 61% v/v. Also contains Ethanol and Water.
Guiding principle
Pictures: Klas Diederich |
Arnica grows in the mid mountain ranges, where it is exposed to the raw forces of nature: warmth and light, cold and wind. Its flower appears to be ruffled or "deformed" by these forces; nevertheless it stands upright, linking its vigorous root to its radiant yellow flower (with a tinge of red). The stalk is covered by fine silvery hairs and has few leaves. The entire plant is permeated by a strong, aromatic oil, which is especially concentrated in the root. Arnica supports healing processes where inner or outer causes have damaged tissue, including where there is bleeding.
Indications and application